I'll sail huge ships through outer space...
and fish for stars.
Hello friend,
this is the
AFL approved fanlisting for
SAKAMOTO TATSUMA, merchant, friend, and the most optimistic guy there ever was (probably). Welcome!
This website will turn into a shrine/fansite in the long run, because he's my absolute favourite character ever, but for now you can spread the love and
join the fanlisting!
Enjoy your stay!
Members: 3
Pending: 0
Last Update: 31st January, 25
Update Details: No updates~
What is a fanlisting?
Explanation coming right up:
A fanlisting is simply an online list of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician. It is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. [...] They are just a place where you can sign up with other fans.
(Taken from TheFanlistings.org. Visit the site for more information.)

Affiliation is always
very welcome! ^_^ If you run a Sakamoto/Gintama related site and/or fanlisting, feel free to
drop me a line.
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